Quick guide for reserving space:
Contracted service provider(s) for after-school enrichment activities: Contracted service providers are often used for after-school programs. Please note that these contractors are NOT given PTA/PTSA priority for scheduling and should not be submitted directly by the PTA/PTSA. As a result, PTA/PTSAs utilizing such contracted service providers will need to ensure that the contractor adheres to the General Public online scheduling process.
Requesting Large Event reservations for PTA/PTSA: Activities exceeding 500 persons, or any activity held in an auditorium may meet the guidelines for the high-volume/ large events process. Please reference our Large Event resources herein for clarity on whether your event will be considered a ‘Large Event’ by definition and the process involved.
Payment : No payment is due at the time of submission. Payment plans may be available for PTA/PTSA use. The payment due date will be set for 90 days before the reservation date.