I am trying to view the PDF file saved as BLOB data on Oracle DB. Below is the function that I could progress so far with the help of Google.
create or replace FUNCTION CONCAT_BLOB_EXT_DOC (MRECID NUMBER) RETURN XMLTYPE IS v_clob CLOB; v_xml XMLTYPE; p_pdf BLOB; BEGIN select blob_filed into p_pdf from table_name where DBMS_LOB.createtemporary(v_clob, TRUE); DBMS_LOB.open(v_clob, DBMS_LOB.lob_readwrite); ctx_doc.ifilter(p_pdf, v_clob); DBMS_LOB.close(v_clob); v_xml := xmltype(REGEXP_REPLACE(v_clob, ']+>')); DBMS_LOB.freetemporary(v_clob); RETURN v_xml; END;Can someone help me to sort out where I am going wrong. asked Dec 20, 2023 at 7:21 63 8 8 bronze badges
It depends on where and how you want to see your pdf file saved as BLOB in your database:
Function BLOB2FILE (mBLOB BLOB, mDir VARCHAR2, mFile VARCHAR2) RETURN VarChar2 IS BEGIN Declare utlFile UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE; utlBuffer RAW(32767); utlAmount BINARY_INTEGER := 32767; utlPos INTEGER := 1; utlBlobLen INTEGER; mRet VarChar2(512); Begin utlBlobLen := DBMS_LOB.GetLength(mBLOB); utlFile := UTL_FILE.FOPEN(mDir, mFile,'wb', 32767); -- WHILE utlPos
SET SERVEROUTPUT ON Declare p_blob BLOB; p_status VarChar2(512); Begin Select YOUR_BLOB_COLUMN Into p_blob From YOUR_TABLE Where PK_COLUMN = 1; p_status := BLOB2FILE(p_blob, 'your_directory_object', 'f_name.pdf'); dbms_output.put_line(p_status); End; -- -- OK - file created f_name.pdf