Farm Lease Agreement

A farm or agriculture lease agreement template is used when one party, the landowner, wants to grant another party, the lessee, the rights to use and operate on their land for agriculture purposes.

This Farm Lease Agreement ("Agreement") is made on (Enter Day) day of (Enter Month), (Enter Year), between [Landowner.FirstName] [Landowner.LastName] , of [Landowner.StreetAddress] [Landowner.City] [Landowner.State] [Landowner.PostalCode] , hereinafter referred to as the "Landowner," and [Lessee.FirstName] [Lessee.LastName] , of [Lessee.StreetAddress] [Lessee.City] [Lessee.State] [Lessee.PostalCode] , hereinafter referred to as the "Lessee."

1. Description of Leased Property

This section describes the specific piece of land being leased. It’s like providing a home address but for a piece of farmland. Exhibit A at the end of the agreement will give more details or possibly a map of the land.

The Landowner agrees to lease to the Lessee, and the Lessee agrees to lease from the Landowner certain parcels of land located at (Complete Address), comprising approximately (Number of Acres) acres, and described in Exhibit A attached hereto in more detail.

2. Term of Lease

The Lease term will begin on (Start Date) and will terminate on (End Date). Thereafter, the Lease may be renewed annually upon mutual written agreement between the Parties.

3. Lease Payments

The Lessee shall pay the Landowner a sum of (Amount in USD) per acre per annum. Payments shall be made in (monthly/quarterly/annual) installments due on the (specified date of each period, e.g., "first day of each month").

4. Use of Property

The Lessee shall use the leased property exclusively for agricultural purposes. The specific crops to be cultivated are (List of Crops). Any change in the type of crop must receive prior written approval from the Landowner.

This section specifies what the land can be used for and what crops can be grown. Want to grow something not on the list? You’ll need to get the Landowner’s written permission added to this agriculture lease agreement.

5. Conservation and Sustainable Practices

Lessee should farm in a way that takes care of the environment and the land’s health. Major changes like cutting trees or draining ponds need the Landowner’s written approval.

The Lessee commits to employing sustainable farming practices, preserving the topsoil, and maintaining the property's overall ecological health. No draining, timber cutting, or altering of the property’s landscape is allowed without written consent from the Landowner.